Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Practice of Reiki

This form of healing is divided into three levels:
Reiki I, Reiki II and Reiki III. The first level, the initiation, comprises of sessions of self-healing, as well as hands-on healing on others. The person being initiated into Reiki begins by healing him/herself especially on a physical level. The integration takes on average, four weeks to complete and may cause the person to feel weak, ungrounded and have many dreams and nightmares, however, gradually, will feel much better than prior to the initiation.

Reiki II significantly increases the energy potential for healing and specifically concentrates on the healing of the mind, emotions and karma.

Reiki III corresponds to the highest level of energy and healing. That energy is pure joy, the union between life and God. With the decision to complete the third level or the level of Master, we accept the responsibility for our spiritual growth.

After receiving the initiation in Reiki, you are ready to start working for the good of mankind and yourself. As you begin a session of Reiki, the miracle of healing starts to manifest.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Planet Ascension

Enlightenment brings intellectual discernment, returning us to cellular records and removing us from this state of slumber in which most of us vegetate at present.

There are seven main rays acting on Planet Earth, in addition to five subtle solar rays, two bodies and twelve chakras (all in all there are 144 chakras, 12 of each colour). From the five subtle rays we receive the solar impulses of cosmic growth and expansion reminding us of the techniques of travelling to other dimensions and to parallel dimensions, as the multi-dimensional beings we are.

During this phase of transition in the planet, Master St Germain has a fundamental function. We are entering the age of gold, of freedom, the Age of Aquarius.

St Germain has worked from the time of Atlantis to return freedom to humans. He was a powerful king in Atlantis, but had to leave when the continent fell from grace and had to move to occult temples of the planet, coming back as Prophet Samuel and later in the French Revolution, he was a master to Napoleon Bonaparte. Darkness reigned supreme at that time and it was an example of St Germain's function to transmute lower energies.

As a result of his hard work, for the first time in 1991 the Earth's karma was transmuted by the great central sun, the karmic energy of the planet and the human race.The primordial light corrected this state in one act of love as it had not been done in millions of years, as we had to cross through a cosmic spiral into a transmuting leap. In 1992, 1% of energy was transmuted and this was a quantum leap during which this karmic energy was liberated. This leap means that 51% of energy was transmuted into positive energy, but there is still a lot of work to be done on the remaining 49% until 2012 and this is the project of portal 11:11 which is a consciential symbol of liberation into superior levels.

Our internal Christ in the Age of Aquarius, starts developing internal love. Around 2012 begins the work to attain this objective, which will take about 1000 years to complete. This is the solar initiation journey. Each one of us is an individual Christ which seen from above, is the body of the planetary Christ developing. We have 12 bodies, the first four coinciding with the physical:
- Physical
- Spiritual
- Mental
- Emotional
- Christ
- Trine Flame
- Divine Presence
- Causal
- White Flame
- Collective Flame - Solar System
- Intergallactic
- Cosmic or Pranic

The Causal body, which reflects our actions, will dissolve when we release the energy of forgiveness. Closer to 2012 our bodies will be less dense, more subtle, being the function of the causal body, working the 3rd and 4th dimensions together.