Meditation to clean the Auric Field
Just as our physical body needs to be washed and cleaned, so too our energetic body or aura needs to be cleansed of various types of energy that attach themselves to us. These energy blocks come from other human bodies that pollute our environment. The great majority of problems that manifest on the physical form originate from similar manifestations on the energetic body.
The following meditation will assist you in clearing your Aura of blockages.
Find a comfortable position, be it sitting, standing or lying down. Close your eyes and begin breathing calmly. Breathe in deeply and feel your body relax. Do this three times, relaxing further and further each time.
Visualize on the horizon a beautiful cloud, shining...golden...Fix your attention on it. While you look at it, notice how it moves towards you...coming closer yet... slowly getting closer to you...closer...closer to you...it is now a few metres above your head.
You notice then that it is not a common cloud...this golden, shiny cloud is a cloud of the purest vital energy...
Drops of vital energy start falling and falling over you. This rain is washing your aura, cleaning it of all impurities, tensions, disagreements and illnesses... Cleaning it of all fear even unconscious fear...
Allow your aura to be washed thoroughly...let go of all anger, jealousy and envy...depression, anxiety and pain.
Let go of all that limits you or blocks you, let go of all undesirable energies let them be taken away completely.
After all has been purified, allow your aura to connect with positive energy, with the positive qualities of the vital energy. Dress yourself in happiness. Feel your aura turning more and more pure, shiny and brilliant...
Feel that you find your original form again, that you are once more who you were once, whom you had forgotten...you are once again a being of Light.
Be conscious of the joy of being alive...be conscious of the knowledge, peace, vitality and so many other positive qualities that are a part of who you are. Let them be your conscience. Submerge yourself in vital energy and be a part of it. Feel how clean you are, light, how all is smooth around you.
Retain this feeling of well being, of joy and of peace.
Breathe calmly, and when you are ready, you may open your eyes.