Thoughts Become Reality
Thoughts breed feelings, which breed words and consequently, attitudes.
Although you are not only made up of thoughts, these have a greater influence on your life than you could ever imagine. You may change your day by changing the pattern of your thoughts.
As for negative thoughts, one cannot eliminate them completely, but you can diminish the devastating effects that they bring into your life. For that reason, it is necessary that you cultivate the positive, higher vibration ones. Pay attention to your thoughts and you will have greater control over your mental energy as well as over your day.
Everyone on this planet, constantly emits and captures energies that circulate and move the Universe. In this way, it is our responsibility to give out the highest amount possible of positive energy as well as staying tuned into positive energy. Based on this you may start by greeting a new day with a positive mind. Before beginning your daily chores, at home or office, build an image of your day with pleasant encounters, and sensations of accomplishment. Visualise all that you would like to happen to you. Imagine yourself meeting people and greeting them with joy, being warmly greeted by all and that conversations flow harmoniously. Imagine you can settle all pending matters without any obstacles in the way, giving and receiving the best in yourself and for the highest good of everyone involved.
On this day you will be able to accomplish all that you set out to accomplish. Your communication is clear, working for your benefit but never with intention of harming anyone. The visualisation is positive, reflecting the good of everyone and especially the harmony in your day.
The power of a positive mind can be so great that, from the moment you start to practice this visualisation, many of the situations will start to materialise faster. Your days will be more constructive and satisfactory and these will happen so naturally you won't ever realise your effort.