Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Meeting your Spirit Guides

Meeting and working with your Spirit Guides

Did you know that each of us has a team of spirit guides who help us on our life path? They are with us through all our lives surrounding us with love and come in many forms. For example, you might have a highly evolved guide who has had many previous lives, or a wise ancestor who has passed over into the spirit world and who is assisting you now.

Guides can work with us in many ways or might have a specific role, some are serious and some have a fabulous sense of humour! Guides can help in many ways such as helping us find our true life path and direction and are always in the background encouraging you!

Here are a few simple tips to form a stronger bond with your guides.

Meeting Your Spirit Guides

There are lots of ways that you can do this, but two simple approaches are through visualisation and automatic writing.

A visualisation for meeting your Spirit Guides
- Sit down comfortably somewhere quiet and take three deep breaths, breathing out any tensions from your body and mind.

- Close your eyes and see yourself walking into a beautiful garden with a bench at the centre.
- See yourself sitting on this bench and ask for your guide to approach you and sit next to you.
- Ask your guide any questions you may have. Then thank your guide for coming and see yourself leaving the garden.
- Feel yourself coming back into the room and back into your body. Slowly open your eyes.
Write down the information you get from your guide as this helps you build a relationship with them. This is great for actually seeing who your guides are.

Automatic writing

Automatic writing is a process where you use writing to channel information from your guides. It’s great for getting very specific information.
- Again, find a quiet space where you can sit down with a pen and piece of paper. Take three deep breaths and breathe out any tension.
- Start with a simple question such as, who is the spirit guide working with me at this moment in my life?
- Empty your mind and write the answer that immediately comes to you without censoring it. Ask as many questions as you like.
- At the end, thank them for their help and clap your hands loudly three times to clear the energy and ground yourself.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Reaffirming your Integrity

Reaffirming your personal integrity
As a part of the ONE, every thought and every action we partake in, has an effect on the world around us. Awareness of this brings with it consciousness of our impact on the people in our lives. Considering the full ramifications of our actions can be an important part of our spiritual growth. Being more conscious requires effort, but once we have made it a habit, it becomes second nature, and the easier it is to find ourselves in easy alignment with our integrity.
Our thoughts are the seeds of our actions; without getting obsessed with monitoring and controlling them, we can perhaps choose one thought per day and simply notice if we are in alignment with this experience of integrity. When for instance, we are holding negative thoughts about someone, we risk trapping them in negativity. We should let go of the negative thought and replace it with a wish for healing on that person's behalf.
In the event of us having something difficult to express to someone, it would help to take the time to consider how we would feel if we were to find ourselves in the other person's shoes. When we modify our approach by taking someone else's feelings into account, we bring benefit to that person and ourselves simultaneously. The more we do this, the more we reaffirm our integrity of our relationship to the world.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Attaining Body Balance
Look at your profile in the mirror firstly the one side, then the other and you will notice that the two sides are slightly different from one another.
The same is true of your hands. Considering these subtle differences in the context of the idea that the right side of your body is masculine and the left side feminine, may shed some light on how balanced you are in relation to your masculine and feminine qualities.
Intuition, feelings, openness, and selflessness govern the feminine side of our natures. The masculine side is characterised by logic, facts, systems and self-interest. If you are giving to others in excess to the detriment of yourself, your feminine side may be overactive and your right side may need strengthening, to speak up for yourself, protecting and conserving your energy. If your life is too structured, your masculine aspect may be overactive; developing your feminine aspect will then bring a more creative approach.
Maintaining balance between the left side and the right side, is a key to wholeness. When you close your eyes and scan your body, what do you see? You may find that most of your ailments, from acne to muscle tension, occur on the left side of your body. This might indicate that your feminine aspect is out of balance in some way. Similarly, if you notice a lot of tension in your right shoulder, your masculine side may be overtaxed or weakened. Just noticing an imbalance is the beginning of healing it. Some imbalances may be long-standing, and it may take time to bring your system into equilibrium. Remember to be gentle with yourself and listen to your body. Over time, doing this can guide you to a dynamic state of inner and outer balance.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Meditation with the Angels of the Morning

Attuning to the Angels of the morning helps one to accept abundance into one's life and to feel gratitude for the blessings received each day.
- Begin the meditation by increasing your vibration with a few deep breaths.
- Stand up straight and bring your hands together ay your heart chakra (prayer position)
- Take a few more deep breaths and allow your body to relax. Be aware of the weight of your body and your feet on the floor. Allow your knees to relax so that there is no tension in your body and your energy is flowing evenly.
- On the next in-breath raise your arms (palms together) above your head and lean back slightly to stretch your spine and look up towards your hands.
- On the out breath bend forwards from the hips with the intention of touching the floor with your hands or fingertips (bend your knees if you have to). Connect with Mother Earth.
- Stand upright again on the in-breath and open your arms outwards; imagine you are embracing the world.
- With the next in-breath allow the energy of the Morning Angels to flood your whole body and aura with light, warmth and optimism.
- Stay in this energy as long as you like, feel the angelic blessings flowing into you, bringing nourishment to every cell in your body.
- When you are ready, lower your arms to your sides on an out breath.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Experiencing Karmic Pain

Unexplained pain is a karmic recollection. It is a memory of events that happened in previous lifetimes and which cause the pain to occur in the present lifetime. Pain is a memory which was not accepted in a previous lifetime and which now needs to be re-lived in order to be accepted, to be understood on a cosmic and karmic level, and to be thus processed and cleansed.

If the pain is lived through in the present, the karma which provokes the pain will be cleansed. It is pointless to avoid the pain; it is best to live through it, and accept it, so that it does not need to be experienced again.

When judgement is erased, acceptance is more evident and instead of viewing pain as something negative, simply look at it as an event that happens; live through it, and then it is over. Once this is done, you will open doors to experience joy.

Refusing to experience pain blocks the flow of energy and attracts suffering. Karmic pain does not end without this preocess, because it is caused by an emotional blockage.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Healing with Crystals

Rose Crystal
This is a crystal that promotes comfort, caring and unconditional loving vibrations. It works on our heart centre by awakening the dormant blockages of hurt, emotional damage and depression, thus releasing these negative vibrations and replacing them with healing energy, opening up the heart centre to accept new, loving emotions into our lives in a gentle manner.

It also heals past fears of loving after having been hurt previously, neutralizing the harsher emotions and healing them slowly and gently. If we entertain old hurts, there will be no place in our hearts for true love, the kind that helps us to evolve spiritually.

To work with the Rose Quartz and feel its connection, we need direct contact with the crystal for a minimum of three months. Wear a Rose Quartz pendant or close to your body. Drink Rose Elixir made by placing two or three pieces of Rose Quartz in a jar filled with pure water and leaving it in the sun for one or two hours. The water may be kept in the fridge for up to three days.

Rose quartz is often used in a ritual bath to help release negativity and promote calm and well-being. It's also good to use a rose quartz in your bath water as a way to promote a good and restful night's sleep.
Before going to sleep, meditate with a Rose Quartz placed on your third eye for a few minutes then place it under your pillow. The results will surprise you.

For the remainder of the year, try to change your attitude to a rose attitude;
- Use compliments frequently and for any reason even if it seems silly at first;
- Look around you and find at least three qualities in every person you meet;
- Nurture good memories, relive them in a loving vibration;
- In every situation you find yourself in, people you meet, etc, ask yourself what has this person or situation taught me?
- Use the Rose breathing method: close your eyes, visualize the rose colour and inhale deeply as if you were breathing though your heart. Feel that rose breathing entering and exiting through the heart until you feel relaxed and free. Do this various times per day, until it becomes a habit. This is a great exercise for when you feel tense.