Rose Crystal
This is a crystal that promotes comfort, caring and unconditional loving vibrations. It works on our heart centre by awakening the dormant blockages of hurt, emotional damage and depression, thus releasing these negative vibrations and replacing them with healing energy, opening up the heart centre to accept new, loving emotions into our lives in a gentle manner.
It also heals past fears of loving after having been hurt previously, neutralizing the harsher emotions and healing them slowly and gently. If we entertain old hurts, there will be no place in our hearts for true love, the kind that helps us to evolve spiritually.
To work with the Rose Quartz and feel its connection, we need direct contact with the crystal for a minimum of three months. Wear a Rose Quartz pendant or close to your body. Drink Rose Elixir made by placing two or three pieces of Rose Quartz in a jar filled with pure water and leaving it in the sun for one or two hours. The water may be kept in the fridge for up to three days.
Rose quartz is often used in a ritual bath to help release negativity and promote calm and well-being. It's also good to use a rose quartz in your bath water as a way to promote a good and restful night's sleep.
Before going to sleep, meditate with a Rose Quartz placed on your third eye for a few minutes then place it under your pillow. The results will surprise you.
For the remainder of the year, try to change your attitude to a rose attitude;
- Use compliments frequently and for any reason even if it seems silly at first;
- Look around you and find at least three qualities in every person you meet;
- Nurture good memories, relive them in a loving vibration;
- In every situation you find yourself in, people you meet, etc, ask yourself what has this person or situation taught me?
- Use the Rose breathing method: close your eyes, visualize the rose colour and inhale deeply as if you were breathing though your heart. Feel that rose breathing entering and exiting through the heart until you feel relaxed and free. Do this various times per day, until it becomes a habit. This is a great exercise for when you feel tense.