Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Navel Meditation

Navel Meditation
Navel meditation may be done by a beginner as you focus your breath on your belly area and your breathing.
During our journey seeking evolution, the sure way to have a steady progress is to begin in a basic and uncomplicated manner.
This meditation was created by the Taoist tradition and the oldest form of meditation recognised in India and China. Although it is used by experienced people, it is also a good introductory meditation for beginners. It uses the natural rhythms of the breath and the regular movement of the abdomen as a means to focus awareness and rid oneself of extraneous thoughts. As your mind starts to focus on the breath, the tumult within reveals itself, allowing the person to train the mind to accept peace as its natural state of mind.
To begin, sit comfortably; either cross-legged on a cushion on the floor or on a chair with your legs facing forward. Maintaining an upright, balanced posture, will ensure that you are physically centred and prevent fatigue. Close your eyes and gradually relax your body, starting at the toes and going upwards to end at the crown of the head. Take a moment to note any physical sensations you are feeling, such as the hardness of the floor under you, or the weight of a piece of jewellery you're wearing, such as a watch. When you are relaxed, breathe through the nose at your natural pace. With each inhalation, draw air deep into the abdomen, allowing the area surrounding the navel to rise and fall. Gradually focus your attention on the sensations caused by the inhalation and exhalation of breath. Feel the air flowing in and out of the nostrils as well as the expansion and contraction of the abdomen. If you find it difficult to concentrate on both sensations, concentrate only on the movement of the navel area.
You may notice that your mind strays. When this occurs, do not attach any significance to your thoughts. Simply bring the attention back to breath, as it flows in and out of the body, and the movement of the navel. The amount of mental chatter will eventually slow down to a trickle, and you will learn to control your thoughts until you are no longer at the mercy of your reactions. the more you practice this meditation, the more you will be able to get back to this relaxed state easily throughout the day.