Saturday, October 31, 2015


In the great wheel of life, what goes around, comes around.

You will reap later what you sow now, so live in truth along your journey at all times, or the harvest may be a nasty surprise.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

We are Spiritual Beings living a Physical Experience

We are Spiritual Beings living a Physical Life

We chose to incarnate now because it was our choice to experience a physical life on Earth, so it is in our best interests to enjoy the ride.
We are in our physical bodies with all the limitations and challenges a physical experience brings, because our souls have lessons to learn that only a physical life can provide. Spiritual Beings are in a place which has no limitations of time and space but here on Earth, we are subject to the world of duality, where we are faced with opposing emotions to help us appreciate the lighter side; we truly appreciate the value of light when we have experienced darkness. Going through this experience, gives us the opportunity to truly be spiritual Beings having a physical experience.

In the spiritual realm there is no pain because the sense of separateness is not present but on the physical plane, our sense of separation from All That Is allows us to feel our emotions and to learn about compassion, love and forgiveness. We thus learn to understand ourselves through our relationships with others around us as well as the world, we learn that every season has its blessings and challenges just like people.
Through experiencing diversity we learn to find our place in the universe and our connectedness to the grand scheme of things.