The Hindu Masters maintain that the visualisation of strange images to the conscious mind, breaks the mental restrictions while at the same time activating the psychic potential of the super conscious which in its turn, accesses the subtle vibrations of the higher levels.
In any event, the suggested images act as a spiritual password to other dimensions.
- Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
- Raise your vibrations and silently place your intent of love and respect toward all living beings.
- Focus on the inside of your eyes and visualise them filled with light.
- Next, visualise in front of you, the living image of a Hindu deity (Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, etc) of your choice.
- The face of the chosen entity has 3 eyes (the third eye right in the center, just above the root of the nose, in the region the Hindus call Trikuti) and is in front of you, looking you directly in your eyes.
- Remain facing / focusing the three eyes for about one minute.
- Next, concentrate your focus just above the root of your own nose.
- Visualise from that same point a huge white flower emerging (as if your third eye were a flower opening slowly)
- Remain thus for a few minutes and enjoy a beautiful mental state of peace balancing your mind.
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