A Time To Ascend
One's Higher-Self is the half which remains on a less dense, higher dimension.
If one remains at a lower dimension, one will attract losses in order to come to one's senses and understand that the Higher-Self has a funamental role to play in the process of evolving to a higher level of being.
Connecting with the Higher-Self helps to build and nourish the whole being and a spiritual connection immortalizes us. It is the only way. We have to realize that giving into the powers of the Universe is to bring blessings to the physical & spiritual sides simultaneously.
Spiritual connection shows us that we should not limit ourselves by dogmas or doctrines, which bar us from seeking the truth within ourselves. The beings of Light, Ascended Masters who share the important task of helping incarnated souls to evolve, can only execute their mission with our consent and co-operation. Their aim is to cleanse the planet of dense, negative energies, begin the purification and ascension of all humans.
We have to understand that love will save us, but it has to be unconditional love, which we learn from the Ascended Masters and without which, the present vibrations will attract a large variety of negative energies.
These beings of Light have waited long to complete their task and now is the time for the human race to evolve into a new era of peace, love, and less density. They are ready to help us and want to help us, so let's unite and facilitate their task, by keeping our energy fields as clean as possible and by facing each day with a positive outlook. If we all do this, the effect will be noticed almost instantly and it will grow from there.
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