Ceremony for Success
Use an orange candle for this ritual because orange is associated with success, goals and ambition. It has the power of attraction and to change luck. Anoint the candle with oil to charge it with your personal vibrations and make it more effective. Using a few drops of bergamot essential oil wipe the candle from the base to the middle and then from the wick to the middle – concentrate on your desire as you do this so that it is transmitted to the candle, and hold the candle so that you make the strokes towards your body expressing drawing success towards you.
Place the candle in the centre of the altar. Arrange basil leaves around its base like the rays of the sun, and use cloves to make a spiral pattern around the candle, symbolizing growth and energy.
As you stand before the altar and light the candle, focus all your thoughts on achieving the result you desire. You can also write down your wish on a piece of paper, fold it twice and leave it under the candle, or burn the paper in the candle flame so that the wish is carried away on the smoke, all the time thinking clearly about what you want. Empowered by your magical efforts, you can follow them up with practical strategies to achieve the right outcome.
Herbs and Spices for Success
Basil: gives protection, repels negativity and brings wealth. Leaves carried in the pocket bring luck in gambling, scattered on the shop floor bring business success.
Bergamot: attracts success and prosperity. Rubbing the oil on money before it is spent will ensure the return of riches; the leaves in a purse attract money.
Cinnamon: draws money, protection and success.
Clove: banishes any hostile or negative forces and helps to gain whatever is sought.
Vervain: attracts money, protection and transforms enemies into friends.
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