Declaring Intentions
There comes a point in our lives when we feel ready to experience a change we've allowed to remain in the back-burner for a while. It may be a relationship, a home, job, etc. It may have felt uncomfortable to remain there, but we were unable to shift our direction to the one we would have liked to follow.
As we change our focus to action, the universe will likely respond with opportunities and offers designed to assist you in creating the change you wish to see.
Begin the process by declaring to yourself what exactly you want changed: when you ask for help, assistance can come more positively if you are specific about your desires. The universe also appreciates our clarity and has an easier time answering a direct communication than a vague request. Write your declaration on a piece of paper and place it on your altar, if you have one. If you don't, then place in in your wish box or on your nightstand. Set aside a period of time every day to be silent with your wishes for change, repeating your declaration like a mantra. This lets the universe know that you are ready for change, and will be receptive to its efforts.
Be open to the many different ways in which the change you seek might come to be. Be active in your own efforts taking opportunities that come your way, watching for signs, and taking responsibility for your intentions. If things don't happen quickly, do not be discouraged, it might take a while to release blocked energy and possibly serving a purpose beyond what we can understand.
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