Thursday, July 9, 2020

Healing Anxiety and Depression

We continually search for ways to maintain well-being, but this implies that we need to actively work on attaining balance between family, relationships and work. we need to effectively manage all that contributes to stress and all else that works to make us anxious / depressed. In most cases we are in a weak emotional state and more vulnerable to an attack from surrounding negative energies which drain us of energy. There are however, some basic ways to assist us to become stronger and less vulnerable. Some of these are:

1. Feeling that you area team-player: It is human nature to want to be a part of society and benefit from social contact which contributes to your sense of self- esteem. Make the time and effort to connect to others who surround you.Do not shut yourself out. Form part of a group or social club that speaks to your heart. Smile more often.

2. Be alert and take note: Be conscious of the here and now as it builds your self-esteem and combats depression and anxiety. Focus your attention on your surroundings and practice that conscience. Take note of what you see, smell and hear. When this is done often, it brings a lot of benefits to the user.

3. Learn: Decide to learn something new. It gives you self-confidence. This does not necessarily mean that you have to go back to school; it can be doing something which interests you but which you have never tried to do before because you did not know how. Learning takes care of insecurities and you will see that you are capable of handling the task at hand after you have learnt how to do it.

4. Be active: It only takes ten minutes of activity to reduce your levels of anxiety or depression. It does not have to be hard labour. Choose the activity you wish to practice and try to do it five times per week. Walk, jog, ride a bicycle or practice in active games with friends or family, gardening or dancing.

5. Donate: Give your time to someone, it is the most precious gift you can give to someone as it is not a material one and one you can never get back; it is selfless and very soul-gratifying.It is good to give. Offer a compliment where it is well deserved or just a kind word to someone in need, you will be building their self-esteem and in turn receive the same energy from the Universe to benefit you too.


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Angel Healing with Archangel Raphael

Archangel Raphael works with the emerald green ray with healing as its focus.
His temple of Light is situated over Fatima, in Portugal.
To connect with Archangel Raphael, try the following meditation:
- Sit or lie down in a comfortable meditation position;
- Close your eyes and relax your body by focusing on your breathing, becoming slower and deeper, with the exhale becoming slower than the inhale;
- Call on Archangel Raphael and ask for your conscious awareness to be transported to his Ashram;
- Use an invocation such as "Archangel Raphael guide me as I release all dis-ease, I now choose a healthy body, mind and spirit, I am instantly transformed, I ask under the Law of Divine Grace."
- Feel Archangel Raphael approaching you, let yourself be surrounded by a sphere of emerald-green healing energy and gently transported to his Spiritual home.
- State that you require healing when you reach his ashram.
- Allow Archangel Raphael to cleanse and fill your whole body with his Divine healing light, working from the crown of your head to below your feet, anchoring your energy to Mother Earth, effectively grounding you.
- When it is time to return to your body after the meditation, Archangel Raphael will return you to your conscious state in your physical body. in your own time, open your eyes;
- Express your gratitude to Archangel Raphael for his healing of your body on all levels of Being.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Attitude of Gratitude

Every challenging situation contains the gift of a valuable lesson. It is up to us to learn the lesson, appreciate its content and feel gratitude for what it has taught us.

In order to improve our lives, make them more joyful, healthier and abundant on every level, we should keep a gratitude journal. At the end of each day, write down three things you are grateful for. This practice increases your focus on positive events to write down in your journal and trains your mind to become more positive and appreciative.

Give thanks from the heart, as this energy of healing flows from that chakra to expand throughout your Being, activating positive responses from others as well as the universal energy, to bless you more abundantly. In your gratitude affirmations, do not forget to thank your physical body for being the vehicle that carries your soul in this lifetime and for assisting you to complete your mission.

Make a gratitude box and fill it with gratitude affirmation cards, create your own and each day draw one card and use that affirmation for the day. 

Gratitude is a key to abundance, which unlocks doors to great resources from the Universe to bless you on your life's journey.


Monday, June 25, 2018

Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Our behaviours from the past dictate the boundaries of our comfort zone. We are not born with an instruction manual with rules for our day-to-day lives, enabling us to have a smooth sail.

We develop our own habits that make us feel grounded and comfortable enabling us to go on without fear. Although transformation always has a certain degree of discomfort, we know that it will also bring about gained wisdom which will prove beneficial in the long run.

The discomfort we feel when we leave our usual comfort zone to experience new projects, will gradually diminish as we adjust to new realities, and we then understand that it is a small price to pay for our soul's evolution in our life's journey.

The current situation we find ourselves in, at any given time, is an indication of past events which served a purpose back then and empowered us to cope with challenges. As time moves on, we then realize that we feel discontent with life, and that is a signal to move out of the comfort zone a little and do things differently in order to evolve further. It is best to do this at our own pace in order to feel more empowered as we go along and not feel so shocked with sudden changes.

Whether you have a fear of spending time outdoors, travelling to new destinations or socializing more often, try out the easiest of your challenges and move onto the greater ones once you adjust to them. It will empower you with a resolve to grow and evolve and not give you too great a discomfort.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Whole-Self Healing

The emotional body sends out triggers of imbalance to the physical body resulting in pain and illness on the physical body. Treat your emotions and the results will surprise you.
Harmonious flow of energy brings about a sense of overall well being, however, when there is an imbalance between the mental and physical bodies, they tend to react against each other, provoking the organs to slow down and in turn, causing illness, for the being to be compelled to rest and re-set the emotions and the cause of imbalance. Ongoing negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, stress, etc, can cause toxic energy to be channelled into the body. A full recovery from illnesses stemming from the emotional body, will mean that the body will need to undergo treatment that addresses the underlying emotional causes as well as the physical manifestations of energy clearing.

Intense emotions are held in the body's organs, grief is held in the lungs, anger in the liver, worry sits in the stomach and fear in the kidneys. Coughs and bronchitis may signify that the physical body is clearing away grief. Treating the whole self can empower you to determine the root cause of illness. 

A meditation to heal the emotional balance will assist you during this process, practice it daily for best results.
Start by lying on your back or sitting comfortably in a lotus position. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Close your eyes and pay attention to any unpleasant emotion in your body. Relax body and mind and release any  irrelevant thoughts that enter your mind at this time. when you sense an unpleasant sensation, give it caring attention. Embrace it, accept it, no matter how unpleasant it may be, until it subsides. By doing this, the mental energy is burned.
This is how your attention transmutes unpleasant emotions into inner peace. All that will be left are memories of the cause of your pain.

Write a list of all the unpleasant memories you have within you and work each one out in your daily meditations until they no longer cause you any pain.

Be proud of yourself for having the courage to process these emotions and healing them. Express gratitude for the renewed energy in your life which will bless you with abundance on every level of Being.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Remote Sacred Space

As you evolve on your spiritual path, your sensitivity will increase. You will need a quiet area where you can sit peacefully and calm your mind when necessary.

You should create your own very special place, away from the normal stresses of your everyday duties. This place must provide you with a feeling of peace and serenity, regardless of where it is situated. It could be a spot in your garden, or even an area in a nearby park. It can be purely imaginary.  Should you imagine it, make certain that it is the same image that comes up every time you need to enter it.

Once you have your imaginary place, make it your own by filling it with your thoughts and feelings.
Take all the time you need to do this. Where ever you have created your sanctuary, make sure that you have its image fixed in your mind so that you may go there whenever you need to, and where ever you are. 

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Learn to Relax

After a long working day, dealing with many people and energies, many of which may not be positive or favourable to your inner peace, it is essential to find your centre through meditation.

Create your winding down routine by lighting a candle, incense stick and relaxing meditation music, to set the mood to one of relaxation and raising your consciousness.

Allow yourself this time out, you deserve it!
Go to your special place, where no one will disturb you for a few minutes. Lie down or sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus on your breathing while listening to the sounds around you.
Visualise yourself inside a bubble of protective light, which insulates you from all harm. You are safe.

Concentrate on your body and identify any areas of tension, and try to relax each one in turn. Imagine that warm, relaxing water flows over your body, from the head down, relaxing each muscle as it goes down the entire body. Repeat the process several times until you feel that the body feels relaxed and tension washes away.

As thoughts filter through to your mind, allow them to slip by without focusing on them, concentrate on your body and its comfort, as well as your breathing.

Spend around ten minutes on this exercise daily and you will find that your personal power increases as well as your focus and decision-making abilities.