Sunday, June 24, 2007

Illness as a Master

An illness and its symptoms alert us to the fact that there is a problem in the person's Mental body. Each and every symptom points to what is happening within the person, and mirrors all that cannot be understood by any other means. All illnesses begin on the outer bodies, by this assumption.

In our physical bodies, we have different organs with their specific functions, all adding to a whole. If an imbalance occurs in one or more of the organs, these find difficulty in completing their functions, then the symptoms show themselves, bringing messages from the Mental body. A red tinge on the skin, may indicate impatience with natural limitations of life: Red = conflict; skin = limits, while the person continues in this mental state, his skin will retain this red tinge. Although the alergy may be subdued by medication, it will not be cured and will return with new, aggravated symptoms, until such time as the real cause is addressed.

We need to turn inward and communicate with our bodies, which are a physical representation of the Self, and thereby attempt to decipher what the body is trying to tell us. The aim of the illness is to warn us and try to unite all the bodies of the Self, giving us very clear signs of our imbalances.

To curse the illness, or to suppress it by taking medication, will never bring a cure to fruition. Symptoms return and more often than not, in a more painful way, thereby making the warning that much stronger. These symptoms should warn the person that something is not well. The immune system rebels and produces inflammations or something more serious: faryngitis, hepatitis, etc, as well as other illnesses and small accidents. If there is a difficulty in communication, the imbalance may turn chronic, such as: osteoporosis, arthritis, etc. The lack in communication with life, brings incurable diseases such as: malfunction in the organs like, cancer, diabetes, aids and so on.

Death occurs after going through the above processes or by an accident. Problems brought from other lifetimes normally reflect from birth or shortly thereafter.

Until such time as we access the illness on the mental level, the symptoms will return in various ways, some of which very creative and in varying degrees of intensity.

There is no use in blaming a virus or many viruses which decide to spread and reproduce, forming a dreaded tumour. Instead of the above, try to go within and find the cause through enlightenment, in order to sort out the symptoms at the initial levels and not allowing them to go further on the scale where they become progressively more serious and difficult to sort out.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Manifesting Financial Abundance

Manifesting Financial Abundance
We have to change our attitudes towards money in order to move away from lack and move towards abundance. It is detrimental to wish for abundance whilst focusing on financial difficulties.
Due to indoctrination from infancy, doubts plague us as to whether or not we are deserving of abundance, if we are competent to see our objectives through to completion, if it is correct to wish for so much abundance when there are so many people out there who are deprived of their most basic needs...
Yes, we are all deserving of abundance in every way, the Universe is immense and so is the abundance it offers, the Creator in His Infinite Loving way, wants all beings to live in abundance, not punishment, however, our limitations are placed against attaining it by ourselves, that is why we have to change the way we think first, then proceed to manifest our desires, always with the highest good of all concerned in mind, of course!
In order to attain abundance, one must act swiftly. Focus on your intention, then follow your signs. Do not allow your Ego to take hold of your actions, as the Ego is ruled by your childhood restraints, which are negative at best. The three constrictive pillars we carry from childhood are: Health, Love and Money and these can limit us throughout adulthood as we carry them all through this lifetime.
Focus on happy, inspiring visualizations. If you have difficulty in visualising, then look for pictures that depict the image of all that you wish to manifest into reality and form a "collage" on a large piece of cardboard. When you focus on these pictures, do it as if they had already materialised. You will find that opportunities will arise to help these wishes become reality even without you realising how they came about.
We create our own realities, the more we feed our thoughts with feeling, the sooner they manifest. Trust in the outcome is essential, but we do not control the process, this is best left to the Universe.
The Universe has billions of options in which to manifest our wishes. This however, should not limit you in whatever you wish to manifest or that the Universe will take longer to assist you in the process just because you think it is a difficult or ambitious task to accomplish. Your main blockage will come from you, if you send out conflicting messages, in which you first choose the one objective, then a few moments later you are afraid of the responsabilities that come with wealth. Your thought processes may not reverse themselves or give up.
Be certain of what you want. Do not be restricted by time or space. Ask and you shall receive. You are the master of your destiny, therein lies the danger. Do not complain afterwards because you have received loads of situations you did not want. Think carefully before focusing on what you want to manifest and measure all the consequences of receiving what you are focusing on.
Remember the principle of Magick:
"Be careful what you wish for,
You just might get it!"