Saturday, December 21, 2013


A troubled mind-set can cloud the focus, leaving one unable to concentrate on the events unfolding all around. Feeling unfocused will make it difficult to make decisions or hone in on goals.  
To regain the ability to focus on details that are important, it is essential to take a step back in order to re-educate the mind. Focus on a single topic, no matter how insignificant, and an improvement will be seen soon.
Concentrate the whole of the mental energy on a single, simple topic that can be thought through in its entirety. It may initially seem that there is little value in small tasks, however, these processes of mental exercise help us recapture our ability to concentrate by giving us the confidence to banish distracting notions. We thus condition ourselves to effectively fix our attention on those hefty details of life that are vital to our well-being.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Irish Prayer

             Irish Prayer
Take time to work                    : it is the price of success
Take time to meditate            : It is the source of power
Take time to play                      : It is the secret of perpetual youth
Take time to read                     : It is the way to knowledge
Take time to be friendly        : It is the road to happiness
Take time to laugh                   : It is the music of the soul
Take time to love & be loved : It is the path to joy and contentment 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Universal Wisdom

Universal Wisdom

There is more to living your life than simply your day-to-day
activities, and you may want to find ways to incorporate this
spiritual wisdom into your life. Searching for clarity through spiritual teachings and meditation could give you even more profound insights into your life and how you should live it. If you can, find a quiet place to search within and ask the universe to guide you in this process of awakening by either contemplating your life or by reading the words and knowledge of enlightened teachers. Asking for help in your search could give you a deeper awareness of what you can do to make your life more meaningful.

Bringing universal wisdom into our lives increases our consciousness and understanding about our overall purpose on earth. Creating a life that is full of meaning involves so much more than simply wishing it to be so. It also takes a concerted effort to connect with the innermost part of our higher selves be it through meditation, prayer, reflection, or study. These things allow us to tap into the unlimited knowledge of the universe and find our direction for further growth. By awakening your divine connection to the universe, your life will have more meaning and you will move even closer to self-realization.

Restoring Yourself

Leading a busy lifestyle and striving to complete tasks may leave you feeling tired and lacking the energy you need to keep going. Maybe the amount of effort put into completing tasks and relaxation time being neglected, is the reason for you to feel this way.

Set the intention to take care of and let yourself rest, as it can go a long way toward helping you to restore your energy levels to a higher vibration. One way to do this is to spend some time in a relaxation pose. Lying on your back, palms facing up, try to imagine yourself melting completely into the earth with each breath you take. Relaxation pose can help you not only bring back your energy but also feel more content with your life overall.

Giving ourselves permission to rest makes it easier for us to restore ourselves. Sometimes there are occasions when we have to push ourselves harder than is the norm, when this happens, it is essential to do things that are positive and healing for ourselves in order to replenish our entire Being. We can use the relaxation pose to release our tension and bring us back to a state of well being. By letting yourself recover from your work in a healthy way, you will feel invigorated and uplifted.     

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Soul's Work

Making a greater effort to accomplish your duties could make you feel dependable and this unswerving devotion to get things done may be due to a desire to show others that you can be implicitly trusted.
A more gratifying result would however come to you if your focus is shifted to how your work fulfills you.
Think about the different tasks you do during the day asking yourself if what you undertake is something that propels you forward on your life journey. Consider changing the nature of the tasks that do not fill your spirit to more closely align with your passions.

Your hard work will mean so much more to you when it is something that feeds your soul, even though it can be really easy to feel that what you do makes a difference in the world, it is really only when this feeling is in sync with our spiritual calling that this becomes so. Once we understand this, our hard work becomes something that fuels our spirit instead of a way to get praise or acknowledgement from other people. By working in a way that nourishes your inner self, you will get everything done unfailingly.    

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Inner Counsel

Inner Counsel

At times, one may feel the need for solitude to think more deeply about the quality of life one leads.Rather than looking for answers outwards, one should turn within and gain the guidance needed. By setting aside quiet time and considering any issue one has been worrying about or struggling with, holding this issue in one's mind and examining it from all angles without judgement.

This will give the higher self a chance to speak, and there just might be a moment of illumination that answers the questions in one's heart. Any nudges felt afterwards towards a certain direction, could be inner guidance providing an answer.

By consulting our inner wisdom, we can receive guidance on issues and make decisions that are in our best interest. Most of us are so used to taking direction from others that we forget to turn within to answer our own questions. 

Our higher self already knows what is best for us, and by following that guidance we can make
wiser decisions and smoother life transitions. 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Achieving Goals

You might want to consider whether you are placing unrealistic expectations on yourself or expecting results too soon. A review of your goals might allow you to see how hard you have been working. If you can then engage in positive self-talk, you will infuse yourself with a dose of confidence in your abilities. 

Rather than trying to accomplish everything at once and draining your energy in the process, you might want to put a new plan into effect that allows you to see steady, consistent progress over a longer period of time. Split your goals into baby steps.

Our willingness to release our expectations and focus on enjoying each step of our journey will allow us to make steady, consistent progress toward our goals. We often get attached to a certain outcome and feel the need to control every aspect of our process. If we can release our expectations about how things need to go and approach our goals with optimism and an open mind, we can be focused and relaxed. Though our results may not be as dramatic or immediate as we initially expected, we can feel good about our gradual progress. Before long, we will have accomplished our goals without draining our energy. 

Releasing your unrealistic expectations and adopting a more realistic, steady plan will allow you to accomplish all your desires with ease.