Sunday, April 14, 2013

Soul's Work

Making a greater effort to accomplish your duties could make you feel dependable and this unswerving devotion to get things done may be due to a desire to show others that you can be implicitly trusted.
A more gratifying result would however come to you if your focus is shifted to how your work fulfills you.
Think about the different tasks you do during the day asking yourself if what you undertake is something that propels you forward on your life journey. Consider changing the nature of the tasks that do not fill your spirit to more closely align with your passions.

Your hard work will mean so much more to you when it is something that feeds your soul, even though it can be really easy to feel that what you do makes a difference in the world, it is really only when this feeling is in sync with our spiritual calling that this becomes so. Once we understand this, our hard work becomes something that fuels our spirit instead of a way to get praise or acknowledgement from other people. By working in a way that nourishes your inner self, you will get everything done unfailingly.    

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