Monday, July 25, 2011

Visualising with Colour

Colour Visualisation

Colour can have a profound effect on your mood, vitality and well-being. Yellows and reds are stimulating, blues and greens calming. Colour therapists use different colours to improve our physical, emotional and spiritual health, generally by shining coloured lights onto our body. This exercise uses colour visualisation to calm the mind and help you relax.

1. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.

2. Imagine a ball of golden light just above your head. Visualise

the ball of light slowly descending through your head until it fills your entire body. Imagine that

this light is cleansing and healing your spirit.

3. Repeat, visualising a ball of red light. Continue slowly through the colour spectrum - orange,

yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - until you feel completely relaxed.


Patricia Singleton said...

Thanks for sharing this meditation working with the colors of the chakras.

Lynne said...

Enjoy using it as colour healing, Patricia. Many blessings to you.