Friday, July 4, 2008

Thoughts Become Reality
Thoughts breed feelings, which breed words and consequently, attitudes.
Although you are not only made up of thoughts, these have a greater influence on your life than you could ever imagine. You may change your day by changing the pattern of your thoughts.
As for negative thoughts, one cannot eliminate them completely, but you can diminish the devastating effects that they bring into your life. For that reason, it is necessary that you cultivate the positive, higher vibration ones. Pay attention to your thoughts and you will have greater control over your mental energy as well as over your day.
Everyone on this planet, constantly emits and captures energies that circulate and move the Universe. In this way, it is our responsibility to give out the highest amount possible of positive energy as well as staying tuned into positive energy. Based on this you may start by greeting a new day with a positive mind. Before beginning your daily chores, at home or office, build an image of your day with pleasant encounters, and sensations of accomplishment. Visualise all that you would like to happen to you. Imagine yourself meeting people and greeting them with joy, being warmly greeted by all and that conversations flow harmoniously. Imagine you can settle all pending matters without any obstacles in the way, giving and receiving the best in yourself and for the highest good of everyone involved.
On this day you will be able to accomplish all that you set out to accomplish. Your communication is clear, working for your benefit but never with intention of harming anyone. The visualisation is positive, reflecting the good of everyone and especially the harmony in your day.
The power of a positive mind can be so great that, from the moment you start to practice this visualisation, many of the situations will start to materialise faster. Your days will be more constructive and satisfactory and these will happen so naturally you won't ever realise your effort.

Friday, May 30, 2008

A Time to Ascend

A Time To Ascend
One's Higher-Self is the half which remains on a less dense, higher dimension.
If one remains at a lower dimension, one will attract losses in order to come to one's senses and understand that the Higher-Self has a funamental role to play in the process of evolving to a higher level of being.
Connecting with the Higher-Self helps to build and nourish the whole being and a spiritual connection immortalizes us. It is the only way. We have to realize that giving into the powers of the Universe is to bring blessings to the physical & spiritual sides simultaneously.
Spiritual connection shows us that we should not limit ourselves by dogmas or doctrines, which bar us from seeking the truth within ourselves. The beings of Light, Ascended Masters who share the important task of helping incarnated souls to evolve, can only execute their mission with our consent and co-operation. Their aim is to cleanse the planet of dense, negative energies, begin the purification and ascension of all humans.
We have to understand that love will save us, but it has to be unconditional love, which we learn from the Ascended Masters and without which, the present vibrations will attract a large variety of negative energies.
These beings of Light have waited long to complete their task and now is the time for the human race to evolve into a new era of peace, love, and less density. They are ready to help us and want to help us, so let's unite and facilitate their task, by keeping our energy fields as clean as possible and by facing each day with a positive outlook. If we all do this, the effect will be noticed almost instantly and it will grow from there.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Preparing an Angel Altar
In order to improve your communication with your Guardian Angel, set aside an area in your home, which brings you a sense of peace and tranquility. Place a small round table there and cover it with a white round tablecloth. on it, place a candlestick so you may light a candle to your angel, the candle colour may vary according to your requests to the Angel.
Place a burner and a vase with fresh flowers, a glass of water and one or two crystals of your preference. Add a small round basket made of wood or straw to place in it your written requests to your Angel. Statues of Angels come next but try not to clutter the table with too many objects. Keep it simple. You may do your daily prayers and requests in front of this altar and ask the Angels of your devotion to accompany and keep you safe throughout your day. Never forget to show gratitude and always remember that the gift of gratitude is like an unending supply of energy for our lives.
It is believed that the Angels receive our requests and prayers through the vibration of our auras. In this way they also know how we are feeling, how we are and what our needs are at any given moment.
Pray to them with an open heart and talk to them with faith, trust and unconditional love and be certain that your prayers will be heard and answered..

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Sword of Archangel Michael Meditation
Archangel Michael’s Temple of Light in the etheric realm is anchored near Lake Louise in Canada. If you feel guided to do this meditation, here are the steps:

- Sit in a comfortable meditation posture. Relax your body by focusing on your breathing.
- Once relaxed, call on Archangel Michael, using this invocation: ‘Mighty Archangel Michael empower me, I acknowledge I have free will, so I now choose a life-path of joy and freedom. If it is appropriate to my spiritual path give me my sword of freedom. I promise to use it only for the highest good of all.
- Feel yourself enveloped by the energy of the Archangel Michael, allow yourself to be raised upwards on a spiral of pure light. Slowly the light spiral raises you higher and higher, you feel yourself held perfectly safely in angelic arms.
- You will find yourself in the temple and will be guided to the door of the sword room.
- Archangel Michael will take you inside the sword room, where you will see rows and rows of swords; each is already assigned to those who are meant to be sword-bearers. These are the ones who agree to carry the sapphire-blue flame of freedom. Each sword is very different in appearance, just as each being on the planet is an individual. But each sword is identical in respect of the authority it carries, in bringing freedom and protection.
- Archangel Michael hands you your sword: the name of your sword will be written on it in the language of light. He will also give you the authority to use it. You will be given a special secret symbol that is placed within your energy field, this ‘crystalline’ symbol must be in balance in your energy field, or your sword will be rendered useless.
- Archangel Michael will let you stay in the sword room as long as you need to. It is a very special moment on your evolutionary path. When you are ready, Archangel Michael will gently guide you back into your physical body.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Yogi Visualisation Technique
The Hindu Masters maintain that the visualisation of strange images to the conscious mind, breaks the mental restrictions while at the same time activating the psychic potential of the super conscious which in its turn, accesses the subtle vibrations of the higher levels.
In any event, the suggested images act as a spiritual password to other dimensions.
- Sit comfortably and close your eyes.
- Raise your vibrations and silently place your intent of love and respect toward all living beings.
- Focus on the inside of your eyes and visualise them filled with light.
- Next, visualise in front of you, the living image of a Hindu deity (Ganesha, Shiva, Vishnu, etc) of your choice.
- The face of the chosen entity has 3 eyes (the third eye right in the center, just above the root of the nose, in the region the Hindus call Trikuti) and is in front of you, looking you directly in your eyes.
- Remain facing / focusing the three eyes for about one minute.
- Next, concentrate your focus just above the root of your own nose.
- Visualise from that same point a huge white flower emerging (as if your third eye were a flower opening slowly)
- Remain thus for a few minutes and enjoy a beautiful mental state of peace balancing your mind.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Affirmations for Growth

Practice affirmations regularly in order to manifest better opportunities for growth and remember to practice them in the present tense. Here follow a few examples:

- I experience growth in all areas of my life;

- I find opportunities for improvement in all circumstances;

- I gain greater understanding from each new experience;

- The potential for ever-increasing wealth, health, and happiness lies within me;

I recognize the beauty of the process.