Saturday, April 26, 2014

Chakras - Colour meditation

Colour Meditation
Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for a few minutes.
Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and take a few moments to quiet your mind.
Bring your focus to your breath, breathe deeply for four seconds, then hold your breath for four seconds and finally slowly exhale for four seconds. This will raise your vibration almost instantly, repeat the breathing exercise three times. Observe the air entering your body, bringing its life-giving oxygen to every cell, and then leaving, taking with it all distractions and irrelevant thoughts.
Now bring your focus to the chakras, placed in a line from the root to the crown and pulsing with your vital energy. Visualise each chakra in turn as a spinning wheel of colour. Spend a few minutes on each chakra, before moving to the next one.
1. Start by visualising the red circle of the root chakra and its grounding energy.  See the circle spinning faster and feel safe and secure in the power that connects you to the earth.
2. Move to the orange of the sacral chakra and as it spins, feel the love you feel for your true, inner self.
3. Visualise the bright yellow of the solar plexus chakra and allow it to clear out vibrations of jealousy, despair, anger, hatred, and any other negative emotions that you may have been holding onto. See it bathed in positive emotions of tranquillity, happiness and joy, which make the chakra move faster and brighter.
4. Now move to the rose colour of the heart chakra and focus on a feeling of unconditional love that asks for nothing in return.
5. Visualise the light blue of the throat chakra, drawing in and sending out true, harmonious  communication, linking you to all living creatures.
6. Move to the third eye chakra, situated in the brow, spinning in a vibrant deep indigo colour, and picture it vibrating to the rhythm of your calm, focused mind and body.
7. Now focus on the last one, the crown chakra, with its violet light in a circle of tranquillity, peace and oneness with the greater spirit.
Stand back, mentally, and watch all the chakras, spinning together in unity. Watch them restore balance to your body and mind, lighten your heart and open your spirit.