Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cleansing Meditation

Cleansing Meditation

Unfortunate actions on our part, even a while back, may still be present in our unconscious causing discomfort from time to time. This may cause us to slip into low self-esteem mode, so the best course of action here is to balance out these feelings with positive actions on our part which made us feel good, alongside with this meditation.

The essence of this meditation is to release our errors as temporary blips on our spiritual journey and not as a permanent fixture in our consciousness. This will assist in purifying our negative thinking patterns too.

You will need the following for this meditation:
a blend of essential oils to assist purification meditation, such as Juniper berry, lemon, violet leaf, grapefruit, myrrh, cypress, basil, frankincence or hyssop.
A burner, matches, tealight, and cushion to sit on.

- Float your chosen blend of essential oils on the water of your burner and light the candle.
- Sit comfortably in your preferred meditation posture, watch your breath in calm meditation for a few minutes, and become aware of the essential oils you are vaporizing;
- Bring to mind one or more negative actions you have committed in the past that you would like to purify;
- Generate sincere repentance and regret for having done these negative actions and resolve not to repeat them, then request to whichever spiritual source is appropriate to you for help in keeping your resolution;
- Return to watching your breath. On the next exhalation visualise any negative energy from your action as dark smoke dissipating on your out-breath. Then visualise spiritual strength in the form of pure white light entering your body during the next inhalation.
- Repeat for a few breaths, enjoying the vaporized essential oils, until you feel that the purification is completed.
- End with a few minutes of watching your breath, and take your time getting up and moving on. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Meditation to Relax the Mind

A short meditation break in the day will help you unwind and clear your head. If you try it at night, it will help you relax and prepare for sleep.

Sit down in a comfortable spot where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and allow your mind to drift to a plesant, peaceful place... where you can relax ...completely... a place...where nothing can bother you, it may be a familiar place, or an imaginary one...perhaps a garden...a place in the countryside...or maybe a room, but it is a place where you feel safe and able to let go...completely...a place that is unique and special to you.

When you are in your place...notice the light; is it bright, dim or natural? Notice the temperature level; hot, warm or cool? Be aware of the colours that surround you...the shapes...textures...the familiar objects that make the place special.

Continue to relax in your special place...enjoying the sounds...the smells...the atmosphere...with nobody wanting anything from you.

To end the meditation, slowly bring your attention back to the room. when you are ready, open your eyes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Visualising with Colour

Colour Visualisation

Colour can have a profound effect on your mood, vitality and well-being. Yellows and reds are stimulating, blues and greens calming. Colour therapists use different colours to improve our physical, emotional and spiritual health, generally by shining coloured lights onto our body. This exercise uses colour visualisation to calm the mind and help you relax.

1. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed.

2. Imagine a ball of golden light just above your head. Visualise

the ball of light slowly descending through your head until it fills your entire body. Imagine that

this light is cleansing and healing your spirit.

3. Repeat, visualising a ball of red light. Continue slowly through the colour spectrum - orange,

yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - until you feel completely relaxed.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation

When you are living in the present, everything takes on a new meaning; colours are more vivid, objects appear in striking detail, and you can hear every note in a piece of music, flowers smell heavenly, and every sensation is intense.

Try cultivating this awareness by doing the following meditation:

- Pull your mind away from wherever it is and concentrate on what you are doing at that moment. It doesn't matter whether you are standing up, walking or sitting down. Whatever you are doing - walking home, eating or having a shower - start doing it with all your senses. Smell the fragrance of the air around you, taste every mouthful of food you are eating, feel the sensation of water against your skin as you shower. Ask yourself what you are doing, and what you are experiencing and feeling.

- After a short while, you will probably find your mind trying to distract you. Notice the thoughts that arise, but don't follow them. Let them go, and bring your mind gently back to the present moment. You will gradually find yourself moving into the peaceful alpha state. Keep the meditation going for as long as you can.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Declaring Intentions

Declaring Intentions

There comes a point in our lives when we feel ready to experience a change we've allowed to remain in the back-burner for a while. It may be a relationship, a home, job, etc. It may have felt uncomfortable to remain there, but we were unable to shift our direction to the one we would have liked to follow.

As we change our focus to action, the universe will likely respond with opportunities and offers designed to assist you in creating the change you wish to see.

Begin the process by declaring to yourself what exactly you want changed: when you ask for help, assistance can come more positively if you are specific about your desires. The universe also appreciates our clarity and has an easier time answering a direct communication than a vague request. Write your declaration on a piece of paper and place it on your altar, if you have one. If you don't, then place in in your wish box or on your nightstand. Set aside a period of time every day to be silent with your wishes for change, repeating your declaration like a mantra. This lets the universe know that you are ready for change, and will be receptive to its efforts.

Be open to the many different ways in which the change you seek might come to be. Be active in your own efforts taking opportunities that come your way, watching for signs, and taking responsibility for your intentions. If things don't happen quickly, do not be discouraged, it might take a while to release blocked energy and possibly serving a purpose beyond what we can understand.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

In The Arms of The Angel

In my Reiki work, I have worked closely with Archangel Raphael who is also my Life Guide, on a daily basis. In the recent past I found myself at a trying period of my life where I was critically ill and terribly weak, so much so that I could not lift my hands to do a self-healing. My spirit was however stronger and sharper than ever and I finally got the message through to my conscious self that it was time for action or else...

I then realized that although my physical self was terribly weak, I could still use Reiki through my spirit and channel it to my physical body for healing. I then called on Angelic help as at that stage I could use all the help I could summon, and slipped into meditation mode and soon found myself at 'The Garden' a place on 5D where I usually go for attunements in White Light to my students, and there I met Archangel Raphael as I usually do, only this time he opened his Angelic Arms to me and said "You have helped to heal so many; today you are the one in need of healing, come to me"

I blissfully slipped into that indescribable energy of healing love which he surrounded me with. It was sheer bliss for lack of a more adequate word, I felt a wonderful tingling feeling all around me and then the energy seemed to permeate every cell in the body and within moments I had no pain or discomfort, only a warm loving feeling throughout. It was heavenly, pardon the pun.

When I finally found the courage to return to 3D reality, I felt invigorated and filled with gratitude and was on a rapid road to recovery. This experince (one of many) dramatically changed my life and I was compelled to share it for it may assist others who feel that sometimes life throws you into a powerless grip that you cannot get out of... you are never alone, remember that. Life was not meant to be a struggle.

I will always feel undying love and gratitude for being spoiled this way by the Angels and all Beings of Light who unfailingly assist me in my healings. It is true that we are handsomely rewarded for doing Light work and the rewards are priceless, for you cannot buy them in hard cash.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Banish Selfish thinking

Release yourself from Selfish Thinking

This ritual will help you to cultivate generosity and realize that the true essence of giving is a generous spirit.

Giving is not dependent on wealth; even if you are materially poor, there are still things that you can donate. Time is a precious gift in the contemporary world and giving someone the gift of your time is an act of real generosity. This involves listening. In the same way that a material gift given carelessly is rooted in selfish thinking, if you do not give your full attention to others when listening to them, this is also selfish.

Receiving is an integral part of giving. Even if you are given something you don't like or want, be gracious in receiving it and thank the person from the heart. By appreciating their kindness, you have given that person an opportunity to practice generosity.

- Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed for 20 minutes;

- Sit comfortably and spend a while reflecting on how you would like to lessen your selfish thoughts and actions, ask yourself: "If I am stingy towards myself, how can I be truly generous towards others?" You need to learn how to be giving to yourself as a first step towards lessening selfish thinking.

- Take a small ordinary object such as a stone, hold it in your right hand and notice what it feels like to have the stone. Try to feel a real appreciation for having and holding it. Reflect that a small, inexpensive gift given purely with love creates more happiness for the giver and receiver than an expensive gift given resentfully or with the expectation of receiving something in return.

- Slowly transfer the stone from your right hand to your left hand. Feel that your right hand is giving the stone to your left hand. Remain conscious and aware of the sensation of giving. At the same time, your left hand is receiving the stone. Develop a feeling of appreciation that you are receiving something. Although the stone has no material value, try to experience the sensation of giving and receiving something with a true and pure spirit of generosity.

- Continue to transfer the stone back and forth between your hands slowly for ten minutes. Observe your feelings, noticing how they change.

- Reflect that practicing this ritual will help you to give and receive more authentically, and will eventually lessen selfish thinking.