Saturday, March 10, 2012

In Times of Need

In times of need

When we encounter a person in need, we may want to give them something as a way of helping them, but if we give it without also taking a moment to look the person in the eye, making authentic contact, we rob them of the experience of being human.

Being in a position of need leaves people feeling vulnerable, the greatest gift we can give is to meet the person without judgement and with the awareness that we are not superior simply because we are not currently in that position. All began life in need of care and attention, and many of us end life in the same way. Giving and receiving are companion energies that take turns throughout our lives, and we all get a chance to be on both sides of the exchange from time to time.

When we are in the position of giver, we honour those we are helping when we remember the many people who have helped us. Then we can look the person in the eye, aware that we are making contact with a human being who is our equal. 

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